تنزيل لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز Free لـ Android

تنزيل لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز Free لـ Android

شرح لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز وكيفة اللعب ومميزات اللعبة

This time, Mustard Games Studio presents army training game with interesting and latest gameplay. Dare to play this us army training: soldier duty and follow the sargent instruction to clear the challenges of army soldier training game: special force. Join the army with initial training where you have to become a brave commando of military training academy: army school game. Start your duty and set your physical as well as mental power to overcome the missions of army training games: commando shooting. This us army training academy: practice game is a platform where you will learn how to become extraordinary soldier from a simple citizen. Maintain your fitness in this real army training 3d game: cadet school and be a brave man of his country in military commando training games. Don&39;t underestimate yourself and be prepared for every task of this new army training game 2020. Let your nation proud of you by training in army training fighting game: commando school and don&39;t be afraid from obstacle courses.
Lets come towards stages of this army training games 2020: soldier operation. You have to run and walk in different military zones like jungle, desert, snow and forest in this army training school: commando course to clear the challenges. Jump over the hurdles, cross high walls, swim in high frozen water and climb on net to defeat the other soldier to become a master soldier of this military commando training games. You have to accomplish easy as well as tough missions of this army training game: commando training school and join in special force. Play this action game in multiple environments of army training games 3d: commando academy and follow the high commands. Explore your skills as a real commando in this army training game: soldier obstacle course to obey the orders of drill sargent instructions. Complete the load picking challenges in this us army training school: commando game and develop your dignity and honor. During training in mud, your uniform will be dirty but you have to accomplish the rules and regulation to make yourself a professional soldier of the army. This military training games: offline game is best and unique game from others. So, enjoy army commando training academy: free action game in multiple modes and with different missions.
Play this nonstop adventure of military training school 3d to become one man army of his country. Clear the obstacle course of army training school and develop your career. Best of luck for the players.
Features of army commando training game - obstacle course:
- Different environments and hurdles
- Multiple easy and tough missions of military commando training school
- Realistic animations and stunts of soldiers
- Character and country selections
- Unique interface and sound effects in army commando training.


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لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز 1320837 v1.0.1 لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز 1320838 v1.0.1 لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز 1320839 v1.0.1 لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز 1320840 v1.0.1 لعبة تدريب الجيش مدرسة تدريب الكوماندوز 1320841 v1.0.1