تنزيل challa NEON Video Story Maker Free لـ Android

تنزيل challa NEON Video Story Maker Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق challa NEON: Video Story Maker‏ وكيفية استخدامه

توهج ملون للصور والفيديو ، محرر مرشح نيون. NEON GIF+TEXT Video Effects(challa NEON)
Create your moment even more glow with NEON GIF+TEXT Video Effects. 1,000,000+ NEON GIF+TEXT Effects art works!
Add colorful NEON design templates and NEON text and icons onto your photos and videos.
Plus, you can design your own NEON sign by changing the colors and composition.

Instagram Channel


How to

Watch Youtube and follow it


Realistic NEON Sign
- Place a NEON sign on your video and photo with 50+ design templates
- Social Media Posting
- Signage
- Word bubble
- Posters
- tiktok

Custom your own design

- Type over your text
- Change the color, size, and icons you love.

Camera Filters

- Apply a more sensational filter

Follow us on instagram : challaneon.global



- If the message &39;Failed To Create Video File&39; appears when saving video, there may be a device issue, such as insufficient storage space or a problem with the SD card reader. Please run to free up storage space, or changing the storage location with the path in the device.

Device permissions

The Android operating system uses the entitlement system to access specific features or data in the app. The first time an app requires one of the following permissions, a message is displayed to allow permission:

To help you understand the permissions you have on the NEON GIF+TEXT Effects app, here are some of the following privileges and the key reasons why they are requested: The NEON GIF+TEXT Effects collects and utilizes the minimum amount of personal information required to provide the service. If you do not allow each permission, certain features may not work, but the app itself will still be available.

Agreement information (essential)

Storage space: Used to store information for use of NEON GIF+TEXT Effects, such as font, image, and image files.

NEON GIF+TEXT Effects collects and stores the following personal information on the Firebase, Google Play, Google AdMob, Google AdWords, Apple App Store, AppsFlyer, Facebook. This information is kept encrypted.

1) User ID (Google Play or Apple ID, Advertisers ID)

2) User&39;s device information (size, time, location, etc)
3) User&39;s various payment receipt

Agreement information (selected)

Access to photos, media, and files on your device: The right to allow NEON GIF+TEXT Effects to access and store information such as photos on your mobile phone..


تنزيل APK الاصدار v2.0.2 المجانية Free Download

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