
تنزيل Topoly Free لـ Android

شرح لعبة Topoly وكيفة اللعب ومميزات اللعبة

اقفز ، اندفع ، ارفع ، ارفع ، اضرب ، اشحن ، أطلق النار أو انفجر! هذه هي القدرات.A non-violent philosophical adventure, endless run with an ability and perk system, based on physics.

Learn various abilities and skills, play for diverse characters and level up to meet new entities!

Travel through desert, shattered land and forest. Each of them has a special task to finish it. When you finish all the worlds, story ends, and you have finished the game.

Eight abilities in total, eight characters too. You can combine them in any way - it&39;s 64 combinations.

Made with Unity by Quadratic Games – mainly by Filip Novotný, a solo game dev from Czechia.

Join our Discord server to give feedback or to see how it&39;s going, and you can even chat with the developer there!

You can follow the development of our other games on Twitter: QuadraticGames
or on Facebook: gamesquadratic
or on Instagram: quadraticgames
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