تنزيل Shooter Monster Zombie Free لـ Android

تنزيل Shooter Monster Zombie Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Shooter Monster Zombie وكيفية استخدامه

أنت جندي ، مهمتك هي تطهير القاعدة من جحافل الزومبيYou are a soldier of an elite unit, your task is to clear the base from hordes of zombies. In your arsenal: pistol, machine guns, grenades, shotgun, sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher and flamethrower. Protect the world from the zombie invasion. Destroy them all !!!

The game has 3 game modes:

- Single player game with increasing difficulty
- Single player survival game with endless waves of zombies
- Multiplayer PvP game, every man for himself and with a breakdown by teams.


تنزيل APK الاصدار 1.0 المجانية Free Download

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