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تنزيل Operation Archer 3D Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Operation Archer 3D وكيفية استخدامه

عمليات التخفيOperation Archer is the most fun and easy to play of the archery games equipped with great graphics created ever. It is a kind of battlefield game in which you can destroy enemy targets with a bunch of amazing archer bows. Are you ready for this action to be the master of shooter games

Step into the shoes of Assassin Archer and discover the most compelling archery experience on Android.

Armed with a bow, it’s your destiny to clean up the city and hunt down the criminals. Sneaking into enemy compounds or simply jumping from rooftops, you need to hone your shooting skills and orchestrate the perfect assassination. Prepare for non-stop action in a true test of your accuracy and speed of execution now!

Intercept, eliminate and extract. It’s time to hone your shooting skills and orchestrate the perfect assassination.

Time for drastic action is today. As a covert special ops archer, you need to carefully scout each location, unravel the intricately woven level design, and then strike with impeccable timing. Aim your arrow and shoot to kill now!

Operation Archer 3D: Shooting Games has many challenging levels to boost your strategic thinking and shooting ability. You just need to attack and conquer the enemy’s territory. Drag your bow, hold your breath, find the target and release.

Build your way to victory, wipe out the enemies with crazy shootings accompanied by fun explosions as a master of sniper 3D games!

Enemy soldiers will sometimes be wearing armoured helmets and vests, which will force you quite hard. So you shouldn&39;t miss and waste your bullets. If you are careful, you can find small but very effective methods and pitfalls to kill them all at once.

Game Features:

- Breathtaking 3D graphics, realistic animations and intuitive easy controls
- Dozens of bows and arrows to play with and upgrade
- Smooth combat experience and rewarding bonus to keep you mesmerized
- 100+ missions full of engrossing action.


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