تنزيل Kids Block Craft Simulator Free لـ Android

تنزيل Kids Block Craft Simulator Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Kids Block Craft Simulator وكيفية استخدامه

صياغة وبناء عالم للاطفال مع ألعاب مصغرة ممتعة للعب بها!Pickaxe minigame!
Different types of blocks:
-Ruby pink

Break blocks, which will have different types of hardness, tap on the

screen to mine it!

Feed the cuckoo:

Tap on the egg to make the cuckoo come out, show them some love!
Sword minigame:
Use your sword to slice on a carrot into pieces, anti stress!
Axe minigame:
Quickly tap on the screen to chop wood as fastest you can!
Target tomato toss
Throw tomatoes at rubber ducks to knock them down, how many can
you knock down
Coloring game
Use the colored blocks to draw!
TNT game
Use TNT dynamite to blow up blocks and create a pathway!
About Minibuu: Minibuu is an educational video game development
company for children. For us, kids are the main source of inspiration,
so we work to support them and to develop their imagination, creativity
and knowledge.
At Minibuu we understand the importance of privacy for all of our
users. Learn more about our Privacy Policy by clicking on: http://


تنزيل APK الاصدار 1.0 المجانية Free Download

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