تنزيل Highway Asphalt Endless Racer Free لـ Android

تنزيل Highway Asphalt Endless Racer Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Highway Asphalt Endless Racer وكيفية استخدامه

Asphalt Highway Endless Racer 3D هي لعبه آركيد ذات ضوابط تحكم بسيطة.Asphalt Highway Endless Racer 3D is a milestone in the genre of endless arcade racing. Drive your car through highway traffic, earn cash, to buy new cars. Endless racing is now redefined!


- Stunning 3D graphics
- Smooth and realistic car handling
- 6 different cars to choose from and the list is growing
- 2 detailed environments: desert, suburbs
- 2 game modes: One Way, Two-Way
- Rich types of NPC traffic including trucks, buses and SUVs.


- Tilt or Touch to steer


- The faster you drive the more scores you get
- Overtake cars closely to get bonus scores and cash
- Driving in opposite direction in two-way mode gives extra score and cash

Asphalt Highway Endless Racer 3D will be updated constantly. Please rate and give your feedback for further improvement of the game..


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