تنزيل Fight For Survival Blazing Free لـ Android

تنزيل Fight For Survival Blazing Free لـ Android

شرح لعبة Fight For Survival Blazing وكيفة اللعب ومميزات اللعبة

لعبه الجوال Fight For Survival: Blazing ستأتي قريبًا!The classic storyline reappears, brilliant fighting combos, multiple gameplay, waiting for you to unlock!

Game features

1. Brand new gameplay for a fresh experience, experience tons of features!

2. No-frills idle gameplay, login and collect rewards!
3. Revisit classic ninjutsu skills, experience super skill combos!
4. Unleash super combo skills and experience shocking fierce battles!
5. You can play any role you like, train and upgrade to become the king of ninjas!

Join the battle with your favorite ninja! Download 《Fight For Survival: Blazing》now!.


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