تنزيل Escape The Dentist Obby Free لـ Android

تنزيل Escape The Dentist Obby Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Escape The Dentist Obby وكيفية استخدامه

أوه لا! تم القبض علينا من قبل طبيب أسنان شرير!Escape The Dentist Obby Mod is funny to play it take you to another level be smart when you play it , enjoy your time.

Oh no its that time of year and we are forced to go to the dentists. This Oh no! Looks like the doctor has gone mad roblox and started conducting experiments with the patients! We need to find a way to ESCAPE!! Can you make your way and beat the 23 challenging Obstacles in the Hospital.

The dentists have gone mad and you&39;re trapped inside! See if you have what it takes to escape the crazy dentist obby!

DISCLAIMER: This app is a unofficial guide created for roblox players that help you to play. please see the terms of use of roblox here : https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004630823.


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