شرح تطبيق Craft Forrest Mini Fun وكيفية استخدامه
جمع الموارد وإنشاء عناصر وكتل مختلفة منهاCraft Forrest Mini Fun - Creative mine sandbox about construction and craft. This is a game where you can explore 3D worlds, mine resources, destroy and build cubes!
There are a lot of houses, cars, building. It is up to you to choose. Each of them has its own unique style. Pick the one you like and build it ! Show that you are the craft master.
Construction craft is an addictive building game in a block craft 3D world. As a miner and architect, you need to build constructions out of textured cubes in this block craft 3D place. You have not to make an exploration craft . All is there for you . You just need to pick block, cube from your inventory to make the perfect building. Use your creativity and imagination!.
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