تنزيل City Survival Strike Free لـ Android

تنزيل City Survival Strike Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق City Survival Strike وكيفية استخدامه

City Survival Strike ، عالم مفتوح ، لعبه إطلاق نارCity Survival Strike is a single-player shooting mobile game with a rich selection of weapons. The perfect operating feel brings you a thrilling shooting experience! Ultra-high game freedom, large game scenes and a variety of destructible buildings make you realize that you are the hero of this world. Go all out against the bad guys who control the city with one enemy. Various tanks, gunships, f22. Put on your flight bag, soar through the sky, and deal devastating blows to enemies on the ground!

Game Features

1. Perfect operating feel, bringing you a thrilling shooting experience
2. Various tanks, armed helicopters, f22.
3. A game with a high degree of freedom, a large game scene and a variety of destructible buildings,
4. Fire duel, new upgrade!
5. Feel a variety of heavy firepower weapons and new powerful props, and experience exciting firepower confrontation.
Game Features
1. Perfect operating feel, bringing you a thrilling shooting experience
2. A variety of tanks, armed helicopters, and f22.
3. Super high degree of freedom of the game, super large game scene and a variety of destructible buildings,
4. Firepower showdown, brand new upgrade!
5. Feel all kinds of heavy firepower weapons and new powerful props, and experience exciting firepower confrontation..


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