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تنزيل Cat Jumping Free لـ Android

شرح لعبة Cat Jumping وكيفة اللعب ومميزات اللعبة

العظمى للطيران 1500 مرة!Let&39;s run on the water with a cute cat!
・Easy to play!
・Increase your concentration!
・Many collections!
・Cat game!

Once you get hooked, you&39;ll concentrate too much and you won&39;t be able to hear the sound around you.

■How to play

Touch the screen at the right time so that it doesn&39;t fall into the water and jump! My jumping ability gets weaker little by little, but I keep jumping to the point where I can.


I want you to gather the fellows of cats! If you exceed a certain score, it will be unlocked.

Cats have different personalities and jump and timing. Find the right cat for you.


It depends on the timing of the jump. The judgment will improve in the order of COOL → GREAT → PERFECT.

PERFECT is when your foot barely touches the surface of the water. Before and after that is GREAT, and the rest is COOL.

PERFECT doesn&39;t slow down jump and speed at all! Playing a lot of PERFECT is the key to improving your score.

■Advanced Level

Master level with score over 1000

God level with a score of over 1500

It is said that.

If you are confident in your skills, please aim for it!.


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