تنزيل Bullet Ops Free لـ Android

تنزيل Bullet Ops Free لـ Android

شرح لعبة Bullet Ops وكيفة اللعب ومميزات اللعبة

لدي فلاش بانغ ، لدي ميني غون. إم ... تم التغلب على جميع المنافسين.This is an epoch-making io game. A perfect reproduction of the battle royale game mechanics: you have to arm yourself with airdrops.More interesting ,the weapons with different shooting effects, such as: laser guns, shock guns, rockets, etc. Only one person will survive each battle.

How to play:

* Battle Part:

- Hold and drag to move
- Find airdrops to arm yourself
- Get closer to other players and attack them
- Run fast to escape be hurt

* Equip Part:

- Get euips by using coins, gems or openning chests
- Synthetic weapons to get high-level weapon using access
- Forging equips to improve quality

Game Feature

- 18+ awesome heros can be free collected

- 36+ guns with varity of features shoot
- Play online offline
- Accumulate rewards when offline
- Key props which can turn the tide of battle

If you love other io and battle royale games,don&39;t miss this one.

Tap the INSTALL button and open you Bullet Ops.


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