تنزيل Block Mini Castle City Free لـ Android

تنزيل Block Mini Castle City Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق Block Mini Castle City وكيفية استخدامه

تتمتع هذه الجنة بناة رمل الادمان.Block Mini Castle City - Creative survival in west world!
You can build your own house, swimming pool, villa, castle! There are a thousand different blocks available!
You can turn on the flying mode and fly freely in the sky!
You can craft as many as dozens of animals! Create Lions, tigers, horses, buy, brown bears, etc.! There are also many fish and birds!
Start the exploration! You can visit the city built by your friends and help them finish their construction. Multiplayer is so much fun!Construction craft is an addictive building game in a block craft 3D world. As a miner and architect, you need to build constructions out of textured cubes in this block craft 3D place. You have not to make an exploration craft . All is there for you . You just need to pick block, cube from your inventory to make the perfect building. Use your creativity and imagination!

You have in your inventory many crafting blocks, objects and tools. Each blocks craft has his own texture the player has an unlimited amount. To see the voxel map that you want to to build, you can split the screen..


تنزيل APK الاصدار 9552 المجانية Free Download

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