تنزيل تطبيق PSC Ready Free لـ Android

تنزيل تطبيق PSC Ready Free لـ Android

شرح تطبيق PSC Ready وكيفية استخدامه

Created by Bureau Veritas experts, PSC Ready is a free, user-friendly and interactive app to support ships and fleets to prepare for Port State Control inspections all around the world.
PSC Ready assists in preventing threats to safety and environment and facilitates swift corrective actions to ensure compliance with IMO regulations.
Thanks to this app, ship owners, captains and crews can plan, execute and analyze PSC self-checks.
PSC Ready enables to launch inspections of a ship or a complete fleet in a few clicks:
| Create targeted campaigns on the complete fleet and receive inspection results from each ship.
| Create and perform self-check inspections on one ship - either on on-line or off-line mode
* Use the Bureau Veritas built-in, and up-to-date, checklist
* Customize each inspection according to ship type
* Note deficiencies, take pictures and list any corrective actions to be taken
| Generate and share inspection reports with selected contacts
| Initiate follow-up inspections to ensure deficiencies have been corrected
| Create tailor made checklists or define specific inspections based on the CIC campaigns organized by MOUs.
| Stay up-to-date with the latest MoU news
| Access statistics on ship deficiencies provided by Port administrations ready to share data with the maritime community
|Customize and use your own checklist template and share it with your network


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