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accessibility مناسب لجميع الفئات العمرية update 2022-07-09

تنزيل ProCreate Color Art Tips Free لـ Android

Procreate for Andriod is a fantastic and affordable tool that can be used for digital artwork and animation, but it can take some getting used to if you’ve not used a similar program (like Illustrator) before.

Learning how to use Procreate as a beginner will take some time, but there are some little tips and tricks that you might not know about, that can really help you on this journey.

Small things like knowing how to draw a perfectly straight line, or how to use a clipping mask to add detail and shading to a shape, will add a new level to your Procreate artwork. You’ll be a Procreate expert creating seamless patterns in no time!

The main thing you’ll need to use Procreate is a device Andriod and the Procreate app. However, there are several things you might want to consider before diving in, sing Procreate for drawing is that you can take it anywhere with you, from the local coffee shop to the comfort of your living room sofa.

File Types in Procreate :

When you make a new Procreate file, you’ll be given the option to choose the size and resolution (DPI) of your canvas. You might want to choose a preset size such as A4, or you might prefer to choose a custom size.

You can also change the options for your time-lapse video, which is a video Procreate automatically creates showing the making of each of your drawings. You can set the size and quality of the video when making a new.


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