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accessibility مقيّم بأنه مناسب لمن يبلغ 3 أعوام فما فوق update 2021-10-01

تنزيل KidsTube - Manage videos that your kids can Watch Free لـ Android

يمكن للاطفال مشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو تلك التي ستساعدهم في التعلم وبناء الشخصية.Nowadays, parents give phones to their children to make their child busy with phones so that parents can do some task or other things. In this case, most of the children watch Facebook videos or YouTube videos. but there are not enough limits to control what you want to show your kids. You can&39;t fully manage the videos your kids should watch.

To solve this problem we built this KidsTube app. Where you can control what videos your kids will watch from YouTube. You can add some videos to the app that you think would be good for your kids or some channel&39;s videos. You have full control on video lists. You can add or remove the videos from the lists.

As an example, when you want your kids to learn some poem, you can add those poems in the app so when you kids watch videos, they also watch this poem and learn it. You can add those videos only which can build good manners, behavior and guide your child in a better way.

An app where kids can watch videos filtered by parents

KidsTube was created to provide children with a more contained environment that is filled with family-friendly videos on a variety of topics, igniting your children&39;s inner creativity and playfulness. Parents and caregivers can help your children discover new and exciting interests along the way by adding videos based on your plan.

Filter videos that your kids should watch

You can fully control what videos your kids will watch. No other videos will be shown to your kids. Settings are fully pin protected, which mean your kids can’t change or add any videos out of your watch. Only you can add or remove videos that you think is right and safe for your kids.

Check their watch history

You can later check what your kids watched and when. App will keep track of which videos they are watching and when and show you the logs in the settings page.

Contact us at in case you have any queries or feedback.


تحميل APK النسخة يتباين بحسب الجهاز المجانية Free Download

يمكنك تنزيل KidsTube - Manage videos that your kids can Watch APK يتباين بحسب الجهاز لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من أبك داون مود.


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